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Wisconsin Photographer Brings Viewers to a Dreamy Main Street

By Matthew Long-Middleton

Amy Fichter uses her iPhone and an antique twin lens reflex camera to capture surprising images of Main Streets throughout Wisconsin.

Amy Ficher virgin and child_web

Her exploration, inspired by Mapping Main Street, has given her new insight into her own art and community: “Through working on this project I have learned more about who my neighbors are, what they care about, and how they identify themselves.  I have learned about the history of these people and places.  I have been surprised at the treasures I find.”

Her show opens at the Lake Pepin Art & Design Center on Saturday, February 6 and runs through March 27.

Mapping Main Street – Defining Community, One Metropolis At A Time

By Matthew Long-Middleton

Jesse and Kara caught up with Urban Omnibus to talk about how Mapping Main Street got started and the possibilities of using collaborative documentary as a tool for urban planning. Urban Omnibus is a dynamic website connecting journalists, architects, planners, designers, artist, activists, scholars and citizens all seeking to create a new kind of conversation about design and New York City.

Urban Omnibus

Looking into the past

By Jesse Shapins

A lot of people have started contributing on Flickr. This is a great new addition that combines a historic photo with the place today in a single shot. Take a look at the whole group pool here.